Romania – I never knew buses could be so stressful

Travelling through Europe over the past year and a half has given me many things. Croatia and Slovenia showed me sunsets like I had never seen before, Brussels left me with a passion for waffles and Malta? Well, Malta provided me with perspective. So what has Romania got? For a start, Romania has got a bad reputation and I have to say that this part of the trip was not on the top of my ‘looking forward to it’ list. But now I’ve actually visited the place, I’ve got to know the country and people a bit better, I know I was off piste. It’s a country of high emotion and adventure, here are a few stories to share so you know why.

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What to do in Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Two Men About Town’s Big Brexit Tour

TwoMenAboutTown Amsterdam Netherlands

“Daddy? Why hasn’t the woman standing in that window got any clothes on?”

In accordance to the universal inevitability of Sods Law, of all the things for which Amsterdam is famous, we hit the one I didn’t want to see within 15 minutes of arrival. The Child is often found ignoring her homework, pouring talcum powder down the sink or banging all the drawers and cupboards at 6am with complete and utter disregard to the rest of the household, so why does she choose now of all times to develop an insatiable appetite for those questions a Dad doesn’t want to answer? I attempted evasive manoeuvres into a nearby cafe but were caught in a cross fire:

“Daddy? This place smells funny and those people all have brownies, can I have one please?”

No. No you can’t and actually I’m not really that thirsty anymore. Who wants to go on a boat trip? It was with these childhood innocence ending verbal grenades that The Child kicked off trip 4 of our Big Brexit Tour.

Continue reading “What to do in Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Two Men About Town’s Big Brexit Tour”

TwoMenAboutTown Big Brexit Tour – Ireland #2MenEUTour

TwoMenAboutTown EUTour Ireland

After swinging past Scotland in our last post, for the next stop in the TwoMenAboutTown EU tour Mrs P and I roared into Dublin for the weekend and although it wasn’t as long as we had originally planned for, we still managed a good 36 hours in the beating heart of Irish city culture. Just because there was so much that we didn’t manage to get to in Ireland, once the credit card has recovered from the beating that is currently underway, Mrs P and I both agree that our collective sights are now set on returning and seeing the rest of the country at a more leisurely pace.

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TwoMenAboutTown Big Brexit Tour – England and Scotland #2MenEUTour


And here we go! We’re kicking off on our two year European adventure with the easiest way Mrs P and I could think of to start this exciting/terrifying two year exploration into the mountainous highs and cavernous lows of Europe. We just jumped into the car and drove North to see what happened.

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